What is Elkarrekin Mundura?
The main aim of the project is to organise two direct operations in France and Mexico which will involve the participation of twenty companies from the Biscay region. It is hoped that this will help to open up new employment opportunities in fast-growing and high-potential markets.
The companies participating in these missions will have a personalised contact agenda that can be used to establish or expand business relationships.
The specific objectives are:
– To access new international markets in the Americas.
– To reduce costs deriving from internationalisation processes.
– To benefit from synergies, complementarities and capabilities between the companies of these three countries.
– To improve the competitive position of the companies through the creation of new business opportunities.
– To help the internationalisation of companies who are interested in broadening possible trade agreements.
Each mission will last one week, and each company will have at least two daily visits with potential clients or collaborators.
Elkarrekin Mundura forms part of the International Consortia Promotion programme of the Provincial Council of Biscay, focusing on GARAPEN’s Internationalisation Strategy approved in 2013, whose main objectives were to encourage collaboration and establish relationships with other territories in the field of local development and to promote the internationalisation of companies.
Participating companies:
– Behargintza Txorierri S.L.
– Enkartur.
– Inguralde.
– Meatzaldeko Behargintza, S.L.
– Mungialdeko Behargintza.