KS Topaketak

KS Topaketak

The aim of this project is to encourage collaboration between professional artists through networking, organising inter-regional meetings between artists from various disciplines. The agencies participating in this project are as follows: Bidasoa Activa. Bilbao...
Elkarrekin Mundura Project

Elkarrekin Mundura Project

What is Elkarrekin Mundura? The main aim of the project is to organise two direct operations in France and Mexico which will involve the participation of twenty companies from the Biscay region. It is hoped that this will help to open up new employment opportunities...
GARAPEN Sortzailea

GARAPEN Sortzailea

A new workspace that has been launched with a view to identifying common interests and discovering new ideas for collaborative projects that can be executed with the associated agencies. This is a participatory and creative space, held in the form of online...
GARAPEN Topaketak

GARAPEN Topaketak

This meeting space, which is held in a virtual format every Wednesday, provides an opportunity to share relevant experiences of the agencies themselves in the various fields of action, serving as inspiration that can be applied to other territories.
International mobility programme: Global Training

International mobility programme: Global Training

Garapen, the Basque Association of Development Agencies, and Fomento de San Sebastián, the Development Agency and Economic Promotion Department of San Sebastián, have launched a new edition of the Global Training international mobility programme. This programme is a...